Brainstorming Ideas For My Thriller Movie Title
This blog documents my personal journey through A-level Media and in particular, studying the Thriller genre
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and safety are essential for the film industry to run. It ensures that there are no hazards, which can harm people in the industry on set. There are many strict rules and regulations the have to abide by.
I have made a list of rules that my cast and myself must follow to ensure our safety when shooting my thriller opening.
1. We should make sure that the camera is tightly connected to the tripod so that it does not fall off. The tripod should have all of its legs on the floor, it should be clipped, so the camera does not fall. When you are carrying the tripod, close the legs so you do not poke anyone (especially their eyes). Hold it securely on your shoulder with both hands.
2. If we are filming with weapons (gun, knife, axe), we should consult the school - media teachers and find a location where there are no members of the public.
3. If we are filming on a road in a car we should consult the traffic authority.
4. While we are filming in the car, everyone inside the car must wear a seatbelt, even if you're driving a small distance - which we are. The car must be insured and the person driving the car should have a license.
5. If we are shooting at night, we must wear suitable clothing - yellow vests - so cars/motorbikes can be aware of us filming, this will decrease chances of getting hit by a vehicle. We should have bright light so we can see what we are doing.
6. Catering - We should buy our food/lunch from the supermarket and not a fast food takeaway as it may not be hygienic.
7. We should make sure that there are facilities that can be easily accessed such as the bathroom and clean water.
8. While we are editing, we should take small break from the computer to reduce the risk of headaches and cramps in our hands.
9. Litter should be disposed of immediately in the bin - if it is recyclable we will recycle it.
10. The equipment must be insured
11. A first aid kit will be carried wherever we go, if someone hurts themselves we can easily treat them.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
10 DumbThings People In Horror Movies Do
10 DumbThings People In Horror Movies Do









Inspiration From Other Media Products
Inspiration From Other Media Products
Media is all around us everyday, and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. Whether it be TV adverts, poster, music, music videos or television programmes, it all plays an important part in everyone's life in the modern day.
Coming up with a final Thriller idea proved somewhat problematic as I ended disliking whatever I came up with for various reasons such as it being too cliché or too boring.
I decided to turn to the other forms of media, in hope of coming up with something more exciting as a result of inspiration from lots of different areas.
The first place I have taken inspiration from is an American TV drama called 'Pretty Little Liars.' The reason this was so easy to take inspiration from is because a lot of it directly meets all the requirements of the Thriller genre, such as chase scenes in the woos with low lighting and high pitched, tension building music. This scene where Ezra is chasing Aria gave me inspiration for the idea of a man chasing a girl through the forest.
This is another clip from 'Pretty Little Liars' that has given me inspiration for my thriller opening. It simply gave me the idea of using an axe as the weapon of choice for the antagonist. I like the close up shot where the axe goes through the floorboard. The camera is framing the point of impact of the axe on the floorboard.
As the planning for my Thriller has been recent, seeing this advert on tv gave me the idea to use a Landrover as the vehicle of the antagonist as it is large and intimidating, complying to the Thriller convention. Although this only gave me an idea for a tiny aspect of my Thriller, this still helped so should get credited
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Rough Storyboards 2
Rough Storyboards 2
I have produced a rough copy of the final storyboards so that I can rearrange the shots and frames if necessary when I produce the final storyboard that I will use on set.
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Roger The Dog
This Is Roger
I wasn't sure whether to put Roger on the props or character list so I have just given him his own post.
He will be starring as the role of 'Dodgy Rog'
He is a 2 and a half year old rescue Labrador Mastiff cross.
He is very playful with quite a docile temperament so I am hoping that with the right camera angles, editing and music that I can make him seem at least a bit intimidating.
He is a 2 and a half year old rescue Labrador Mastiff cross.
He is very playful with quite a docile temperament so I am hoping that with the right camera angles, editing and music that I can make him seem at least a bit intimidating.
A bit of a poser...
Could be scary....
...maybe not
Props List
Here Is My Props List
I have made sure to use all props that I already own as to reduce the overall budget of my film. The only exception being fake blood which I will order from amazon.
Canvas Tarpaulin
Fake Hand Gun
Friday, 24 November 2017
The Location Of My Thriller Opening
For the location of my thriller opening, I am using a country park near me called Trent Park. It has a large area of pine forest in it which is near a road so it is a perfect location to film at the large trees cause a low-lit and eerie setting.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Rough Storyboards
Rough Storyboards
These are only some very initial storyboards to establish the order of shots and also camera angles, I will be developing a more finalised storyboard to work from when filming.
Final Idea
Ok... This is actually the final idea, I promise!
After reevaluating all my ideas and the thriller opening I had come up with, I decided that it didn't really make any sense at all, even if it was just an opening.

I have decided that it seems silly not to take advantage of all the useful props/animals that I have access to. For example, I have a wartime landcover which will be used as the vehicle of the antagonist. I also have a reel of very realistic looking barbed wire which can be put to good use in a thriller opening. I will also be using my dog (called Roger) as the antagonists hunting hound. In my eyes, he is very cute, but silhouetted in a dark forest, I can understand why he would look very menacing.

I then cut to the the road where we see the landcover come over the horizon, with the headlights dazzling the camera. I will then be cutting between shots of the two scenes as the protagonist and antagonist have now been introduced.
We see intimidating shots of Roger the dog with a muzzle on. A hand takes off the muzzle as if to unleash danger.The girl is now hiding behind a tree and we see the man taking an axe out from under tarpaulin in the back of the car, under which is also a shovel, making the viewer wonder what he is saving it for.
As he kicks the door shut, the girl hears this, turns and runs. The running shots cut back and forth to a shot of Roger sniffing along the grounding the man coming over the horizon with the axe.
As she reaches a fence, a shot of her hand grabbing the fence match cuts to a shot of the man's hand on the axe. She climbs over the fence.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Youtube Videos That I Have Watched For Inspiration
Youtube Videos That I Have Watched For Inspiration
During the process of planning my two minute thriller opening, I watch various videos on youtube for reference and inspiration. I wanted to see examples from real movies that had been particularly effective based on how I reacted to them.
During the process of planning my two minute thriller opening, I watch various videos on youtube for reference and inspiration. I wanted to see examples from real movies that had been particularly effective based on how I reacted to them.
Top 10 Powerful movie scenes with minimal dialogue
Top 10 heart stopping movie moments
Top 10 horror movie opening scenes
Top 10 opening shots of all time
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Idea 2 Overview
Idea 2
This idea is inspired by the film 'It Follows', as it is a totally unique
thriller movie, gripping the audience from the first second.
I am
doing it slightly differently as I am going to have my very first shot as an
extreme close up that slowly zooms out. This is going to be a close up of my
protagonist's eye, which slowly zooms out to a shot of her sitting on the edge
of a sofa/bed looking terrified. The very next shot will be from outside of her
running out of the house into the street as if she is being chased. As she gets
to the road she will stop and walk slowly backward as if the person behind the
camera is what is chasing her, but the viewer still does not know what is
following her. At the point she starts running again, the music will pick up
and she will run to the car that is in her driveway and open the door. We see a
close up of her rummaging in the glove compartment and pulling out a gun and
running into the house, slamming the door behind her.
In the next shot, we will see her sitting on the floor
of the bathroom with her back against the door crying. This shot will slowly
zoom into her face then suddenly cut to a shot of her face underwater in the
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