Ok... This is actually the final idea, I promise!
After reevaluating all my ideas and the thriller opening I had come up with, I decided that it didn't really make any sense at all, even if it was just an opening.

I have decided that it seems silly not to take advantage of all the useful props/animals that I have access to. For example, I have a wartime landcover which will be used as the vehicle of the antagonist. I also have a reel of very realistic looking barbed wire which can be put to good use in a thriller opening. I will also be using my dog (called Roger) as the antagonists hunting hound. In my eyes, he is very cute, but silhouetted in a dark forest, I can understand why he would look very menacing.

I then cut to the the road where we see the landcover come over the horizon, with the headlights dazzling the camera. I will then be cutting between shots of the two scenes as the protagonist and antagonist have now been introduced.
We see intimidating shots of Roger the dog with a muzzle on. A hand takes off the muzzle as if to unleash danger.The girl is now hiding behind a tree and we see the man taking an axe out from under tarpaulin in the back of the car, under which is also a shovel, making the viewer wonder what he is saving it for.
As he kicks the door shut, the girl hears this, turns and runs. The running shots cut back and forth to a shot of Roger sniffing along the grounding the man coming over the horizon with the axe.
As she reaches a fence, a shot of her hand grabbing the fence match cuts to a shot of the man's hand on the axe. She climbs over the fence.
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