Sunday 10 September 2017

What is a Thriller?

What is a Thriller?

Thriller Film is a genre that revolves around anticipation and suspense. The aim for Thrillers is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. The protagonist in these films is set against a problem – an escape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genre a Thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the danger that the protagonist faces. The tension with the main problem is built on throughout the film and leads to a highly stressful climax.

You either love it or loathe it. Shown around cinemas, glued to the television, or a DVD can show the many aspects that grip us to our seats. Thrillers have been defined as 'something that keeps the suspense, excitement, and tension'.
On one hand, Thrillers have opened up a huge range of things to camera shots such as the famous shower scene in Psycho.Thrillers have many sub-genres which can be found in many movies today, some with sub-genres as many movies will include many different aspects of genres into their movie. There has also been Film Noir which was founded in the late 1940's to the 1950's where features were added such as the  Femme Fatale.
A famous Director Called Alfred Hitchcock, as well as other well known Directors for thrillers, have changed how we watch thrillers today. They used different camera angles especially through being an Auteur for a thriller movie has shown great influence on many people to try and copy what they have done so that the audience is extremely engaged in the movie. Alfred Hitchcock in many terms is the master of the modern Thriller and quotes 'An ordinary person in an extraordinary situation'. This sums up Thrillers all together, the way someone is put into a thriller but will be in an extraordinary situation.

From the Brief introduction, I have learned many aspects of a thriller. Firstly that you can get many genres of the thriller such as the DVDs below we did for research. Secondly that you can have the auteur theory such as Alfred Hitchcock who put his own personality to the thriller. After looking at many genres, I definitely wanted my thriller either to be on action or psychological. They are very interesting topics and could easily be done in the opening of my thriller. I also learned from this introduction that we can get different movies to thrillers such as Film Noir. Film Noir has been a huge influence on many movies and thrillers today. You can find many of the shots, color to be included for example the monochrome color. Some aspects may not be shown in thrillers today such as smoking which was a huge thing long ago, but many features are extremely influential in movies today.

The sub-genres of Thriller films are:

  • Action Thriller (Dunkirk)
An action thriller uses physical action to create suspense within the film. like a traditional action film, this sub-genre will often have continuous motion and action including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. Often, these scenes will contribute towards the overall sense of danger that the protagonist is or will be facing.

  • Crime Thriller (Pulp Fiction)
Crime Thriller is a sub-genre that includes the suspenseful aspects of a thriller with a crime film plot. This sub - genre's plot usually focuses on a serial killer, murderer, robbery, kidnapping or manhunt. As opposed to the usual and traditional crime thriller focuses both on the criminal (antagonist) and the protagonist. Crime thriller uses both action and psychological aspects to build suspense and tension.

  • Psychological Thriller (Psycho)
A psychological thriller incorporates elements of drama and mystery into the film. The suspense in this sub-genre come from the mind, rather than from a physical threat. The protagonist in psychological thrillers usually relies on their mental resources to solve the situation, so their brain and thinking are very important. Because of their nature, many psychological thrillers could cross over into the horror genre.

  • Science Fiction Thriller
Science fiction thrillers include hypothetical science-based themes into the plot of the film. Traditionally, a science fiction film will have heroes, villains, unexplored locations, fantastical quests and advanced technology. These elements can be used in a science fiction thriller to create anticipation and edginess. Often, this sub-genre will explore the 'future - gone - bad' theme including plots that revolve around alien invasions, dystopian scenarios and super - diseases.

  • Religious Thriller (The Others)
Religious thriller films include religious themes, including religious questions, ceremonies, and its objects. Some films can revolve around a specific location, like a church. Many religious thrillers include supernatural and paranormal experiences not relating and relating to a certain religion. Exorcisms, demon possessions and church cover-ups are typical themes of religious thrillers.

  • Film - Noir
Film noir is not simply a sub-genre, but rather a term for a type of crime - drama or thriller that was popular throughout the 1940's and 1950's. Film - Noir is characterized by a black and white style with stark lighting effects. The main character is usually a cynical hero. Film - Noir relies on a narrative voice and various flashbacks to explain the intricate plot.

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