Wednesday 15 November 2017

Idea 2 Overview

Idea 2

This idea is inspired by the film 'It Follows', as it is a totally unique thriller movie, gripping the audience from the first second.

I am doing it slightly differently as I am going to have my very first shot as an extreme close up that slowly zooms out. This is going to be a close up of my protagonist's eye, which slowly zooms out to a shot of her sitting on the edge of a sofa/bed looking terrified. The very next shot will be from outside of her running out of the house into the street as if she is being chased. As she gets to the road she will stop and walk slowly backward as if the person behind the camera is what is chasing her, but the viewer still does not know what is following her. At the point she starts running again, the music will pick up and she will run to the car that is in her driveway and open the door. We see a close up of her rummaging in the glove compartment and pulling out a gun and running into the house, slamming the door behind her.

In the next shot, we will see her sitting on the floor of the bathroom with her back against the door crying. This shot will slowly zoom into her face then suddenly cut to a shot of her face underwater in the bath.

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