Saturday 21 October 2017

Storyboard 1

Storyboard 1

I have done a practice storyboard of only the first 10 shots of my Thriller opening. I am still in the planning and writing processes so this will no doubt be adjusted in various ways by the time I come to draw out my final storyboard. 

Friday 20 October 2017

My Thriller Idea

My Thriller Idea

My Thriller opening is going to show an anonymous figure preparing what appears to be a lot of suspicious objects, before driving out of a garage in a car with a kidnapped person in the backseat who has tape put over their mouth. The character will place a shovel in the boot of the car and shut the boot. I then have a close up of the door handle when the kidnapper opens it. The next shot will be a math cut from the car door shutting the a shot of his hands ripping some duct tape from the roll. We see the kidnapper put on gloves, presumably not to leave any DNA traces, strike a lighter and light up a cigarette. I will then have a shot of the car driving slowly out of the garage towards the camera, followed by a shot of the car driving over the camera (camera passes under car). I will the include shot of the car driving along a dark country road at nigh time to add to thriller conventions. We will then see a shovel plummet into the forest floor. There will be several of these digging shots to build suspense, alternating with extreme close up shots of the prisoners eye flicking back and forth in fear as well as shots of their tied hands.

My Thriller opening is based around the suspense created by the unknown. The unknown, in this case being the kidnapper.

Monday 16 October 2017

Analysing Thriller Music

Analysing Thriller Music

1  'Speed'(1994) - Jumping The Gap

In this high speed action thriller, Keanu Reeves stars as a young police officer who must prevent a bomb exploding aboard a city bus by keeping its speed above 50 mph. The scene in which Annie, played by Sandra Bullock, is driving the bus, the music really is everything. I have focused on the iconic moment at which the bus must jump a broken bridge , as it is a moment of incredibly high tension and anticipation for the viewer. The sharp and screechy aspect to the music creates a nail-biting atmosphere for the viewer, with the deeper beat building more and more tension.

Initial Shot Layout

Initial Shot Layout

Hand taking off padlock

Hand pushing open garage door

Thumb on mustang door handle

Close up of car door shutting -------match cut with rip extension of duct tape

Boot slams shut

Cufflink adjusting

Hand zips up bag slowly
Shot of inside of barrel bag (rope, tape, handcuffs, torch etc..)
Cigar Lit

Rear view mirror tilted to reveal person in the back seat who is tied up (abducted)

Lighter struck

Gloves on